Revista Tecnológica Ciencia y Educación Edwards Deming is edited by Instituto Tecnológico EducativoEducación Edwards Deming All material submitted to the journal for publication and accepted by the Editorial Board for its quality and relevance is peer reviewed by specialists in the corresponding areas of knowledge. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia y Educación Edwards Deming is a scientific journal dedicated to the biannual publication of articles of original research results in Spanish and English covering a variety of topics related to technology and education. Papers are published on the first 5 days of January and July of each year.

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Vol. 9 No. 1 (2025): January - June

Published: 2025-01-02

Importance of proteins of animal origin in the diet of preschool children of the Cleotilde Guerrero Foundation

Ilma Verónica Holguín Cedeño, Rodolfo Benito Zamora Velásquez, Fabián José Zambrano Cabrera, Lucía Del Rocío Mendoza Macías


Comparison of Properties (stress, resistance and deformation) between low and high carbon steel

Ember Geovanny Zumba Novay, Carlos José Santillan Mariño, Daniela Estefanía Cuenca Pérez, Joan David Espinoza Gallo


Most commonly used imaging methods for the detection of COVID-19. Literature review

Jessica Samantha Calle Álvarez, Heydi Monserrath Calle Arévalo, Shirley Pamela Lema Remache, Mayra Vanessa Montesinos-Rivera


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