Revista Tecnológica Ciencia y Educación Edwards Deming is edited by Instituto Tecnológico EducativoEducación Edwards Deming All material submitted to the journal for publication and accepted by the Editorial Board for its quality and relevance is peer reviewed by specialists in the corresponding areas of knowledge. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia y Educación Edwards Deming is a scientific journal dedicated to the biannual publication of articles of original research results in Spanish and English covering a variety of topics related to technology and education. Papers are published on the first 5 days of January and July of each year.

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Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): July - December

Published: 2024-06-26

Quality of customer service in Malecón 2000 commercial premises

María José Menéndez Ledesma, Magaly de Jesús Romo Álvarez, Sheylah May-Ling Hoppe


Use of technology in the dissemination of diabetes promotion and prevention programmes

Luis Enrique Naula Chucay, Deicy Dolores Quizhpi Palchizaca, Patricia Alexandra León Hurtado, John Sebastian Ochoa Nieto, Viviana Stefania Cabrera Pizarro


Innovative educational practices through the use of ICT in the teaching-learning process: A diagnostic study

Martha Fernández Rodríguez, Milton Rafael Mariduña Arroyave, Dayron Rumbaut Rangel


Use and adherence to pharmacological treatment in patients with chronic noncommunicable diseases

Iliana Alicia Caicedo Castro, Luisana Jiménez, Luis Alberto León Bajaña


Technical specifications for the construction of a two-story building with reinforced concrete

Liliana Lizbeth López López, María Fernanda Pico Núñez, Luis Leonardo Zambrano Salazar, Ambar Carolina Yépez Intriago


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