Edwards Deming Corporate Technology - July - September Vol. 6 - 2 - 2023 https://revista-edwardsdeming.com/index.php/es
e-ISSN: 2576-0971
even families were not prepared for an abrupt change in the way of teaching and learning.
In this sense, the educational community has generated new environments or spaces for
pedagogical interaction between people, teachers have assumed the role of online
education, in short lapses have changed the teaching-learning systems and how they are
executed, which is positive for development, the use of digital tools can strengthen the
skills and abilities of learners, the diversity of online resources allows the exchange of
experiences with digital skills achieved.
The haste of the transition from the face-to-face to the virtual surprised the theoretical
systems of the Pedagogical Sciences, because, although a tendency towards the use of
Educational Technologies was appreciated, its application was not considered to be so
urgent, nor in the current massiveness. The consequence of this is that there are few
levels of general theoretical support for virtual teaching and its general implementation;
for pedagogues, the theorization of online education is a problem to be studied.
In the particular case of teaching performance, the authors highlight the subject of
Entrepreneurship and Management, which has its own characteristics in its development
process with contents on the social economic system that guarantees production and
the conditions for good living. Achieving knowledge and skills in the subject of
Entrepreneurship and Management, in the current context, are limited from the virtual.
All of the above, the constant dialogue with experienced teachers in the area of
Entrepreneurship and Management, as well as an exhaustive review of the scientific
literature, allow us to pose a guiding question for the development of this scientific
article: How to develop virtual teaching and online learning of the subject of
Entrepreneurship and Management in high school?
The use of virtual teaching strategies has a positive impact on the performance of
students, by promoting a participatory climate in classes, a better involvement with the
activities to be performed that generates greater motivation; therefore, a virtual teaching
strategy is proposed to strengthen online learning of the subject Entrepreneurship and
Management in the baccalaureate.
An exploration of theoretical sources, which have studied the research variables in the
different indexed databases (DOAJ, Latindex, Dialnet, Scielo, Redalyc and Google
Scholar) was carried out, providing scientific results, where a theoretical inquiry was
conducted through search chains with their respective translations into English and
Portuguese on the research topic.
From the search in different databases, 9 research antecedents were selected, 6 of them
have a direct relationship with two descriptors and scope: (Vega and Balladares 2021;
Yánez, 2020; Banda, 2020; Orrala, 2020; Lope et al., 2018, Sutadji et al., 2021).
After each of the studies on e-learning strategy in learning, the following topics can be
identified as studied: