Edited by: Tecnológico Superior Corporativo
Edwards Deming
January - March Vol. 8 - 1 - 2024
e-ISSN: 2576-0971
Received: May 11, 2023
Approved: June 30, 2023
Page 46-59
Rescue of ancestral knowledge: Linkage Project,
Faculty of Pedagogy Universidad Luis Vargas
Rescate de saberes ancestrales: Proyecto de Vinculación,
Facultad de la Pedagogía Universidad Luis Vargas Torres-
Carmen Karina Hurtado Toral
Santa Rocío Toala Ponce
Rosa Romelia Posso Martínez
The objective of this outreach project, developed at the
Faculty of Pedagogy-University Luis Vargas Torres in
Esmeraldas, is to rescue and preserve ancestral knowledge
of the Afro-Smeraldas culture, which has a deep-rooted
cultural tradition, whose knowledge, transmitted through
generations, is currently threatened to be lost into oblivion
due to the lack of recognition and the advances of
globalization. The objective is to promote its preservation
and appreciation, while training university students for the
development of pedagogical practices linked to society.
The methodology of action research, empirical, with a
qualitative approach of bibliographic review, allowed
gathering the information to present this article;
establishing as a result the valuation of the Afro-
Smeraldean culture in the university community, allowing
to acquire an understanding of the importance of cultural
diversity, equity and inclusion. Finally, this linkage project is
significant for the promotion and preservation of Afro-
* Magister en Educación Básica, Magister en Ciencias de la Educación,
Docente Universitaria, Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres de
Esmeraldas-Ecuador, carmen.hurtado@utelvt.edu.ec,
* Magister en Docencia y Desarrollo del Currículo, Docente
Universitaria, Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas-
Ecuador, santa.toala.ponce@utelvt.edu.ec, https://orcid.org/0000-
* Dra. en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Docente Universitaria, Universidad
Técnica Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas-Ecuador,
rosa.posso.martinez@utelvt.edu.ec, https://orcid.org/0000 0002
4212 4613
Tecnológico Superior Corporativo Edwards Deming – January - June Vol. 8 - 1 - 2024 https://revista-edwardsdeming.com/index.php/es
e-ISSN: 2576-0971
Esmeraldean ancestral knowledge, contributing to the
educational and cultural development of the province of
Esmeraldas, strengthening the relationship and
transmission of knowledge between academia and society;
therefore, the continuity of this initiative is essential to
ensure the preservation of this invaluable cultural treasure
for future generations.
Keywords: Afroesmeraldeña, culture, ethno-education,
link with society.
El presente proyecto de vinculación, desarrollado en la
Facultad de Pedagogía-Universidad Luis Vargas Torres en
Esmeraldas, tiene como objetivo rescatar y preservar
saberes ancestrales de la cultura afroesmeraldeña; la cual
posee una tradición cultural arraigada, cuyos
conocimientos transmitidos a través de generaciones, en
estos momentos están amenazados de perderse en el
olvido, debido a la falta de reconocimiento y los avances de
la globalización. El objetivo es fomentar su preservación y
valoración, al tiempo que capacita al estudiantado
universitario para el desarrollo de prácticas pedagógicas de
vinculación con la sociedad. La metodología de
investigación acción, empírica, con enfoque cualitativo de
revisión bibliográfica, permitó recabar la información para
presentar este artículo; estableciendo como resultado la
valoración de la cultura afroesmeraldeña en la comunidad
universitaria, permitiendo que se adquiera una
comprensión de la importancia de la diversidad cultural,
equidad e inclusión. Finalmente, este proyecto de
vinculación resulta significativo para la promoción y
preservación de saberes ancestrales afroesmeraldeños,
contribuyendo al desarrollo educativo y cultural de la
provincia de Esmeraldas, fortalecido las relaciones y
transmisión de conocimientos entre la academia y
sociedad; por lo que la continuidad de esta iniciativa es
primordial para garantizar la conservación del invaluable
tesoro cultural para las futuras generaciones.
Palabras clave: Afroesmeraldeña, cultura, etnoeducación,
vinculación con la sociedad
Tecnológico Superior Corporativo Edwards Deming – January - June Vol. 8 - 1 - 2024 https://revista-edwardsdeming.com/index.php/es
e-ISSN: 2576-0971
At present, there are countless challenges facing universities in Ecuador, in a world
characterized by the rapid advances of globalization and technology, because the
traditional and ancestral knowledge of Afro-descendant and indigenous communities
have gained space and inestimable importance, so that this knowledge that has been
transmitted through generations over the years, have been a source of wisdom and
invaluable cultural heritage that enriches the understanding of people existing in the
context; However, this unique cultural treasure is in danger of disappearing due to the
influence of migration, modernity and marginalization of the inhabitants of the
communities that carry this knowledge, thus promoting an integral approach that
involves the participation of the students of the different careers of the Universidad
Técnica Luis Vargas Torres.
In this sense, the expression rescue of ancestral knowledge for all the above mentioned,
becomes an academic and ethical imperative, with a multifaceted approach, which
emerges from the Linkage project developed in the Faculty of Pedagogy (FACPED) of
the Technical University Luis Vargas Torres (UTELVT), located in the beautiful province
of Esmeraldas, Ecuador. It should be noted that this project stands as an inspiring
example of how Higher Education can play a crucial role in the revitalization and
preservation of ancestral knowledge, highlighting the active integration of knowledge in
the educational, cultural, recreational, recreational and community development
development; also promoting respect for diversity and the construction of an inclusive,
equitable and above all sustainable future.
It should be noted that this project in its interdisciplinary approach, involves students
from the careers of: Early Education, Basic Education, Pedagogy of Language and
Literature, Physical Activity and Sports, Experimental Sciences of Chemistry and Biology,
Experimental Sciences of Mathematics and Physics of the Faculty of Pedagogy, who work
in collaboration with local educational institutions, fostering understanding in the existing
relationship between education and ancestral knowledge; promoting the valuation of
culture as a valuable legacy that enables the enrichment of the educational experience.
Therefore, this article will explore in depth the Linkage Project planned, organized and
executed to date by UTELVT, considering the objectives, context, methodology and
results; furthermore, this process will reflect on the relevance of this initiative for the
global context and its importance for Pedagogy, as it seeks to preserve cultural identity
for the sustainable development of ancestral communities, analyzing how the inclusion
of ancestral knowledge in educational development, culture, recreational activities and
community development contributes to maintaining cultural heritage, empowerment
and the promotion of a strong identity. Thus, through this document, we intend to
report on how the academy, taking into account the initiative of the aforementioned
University, can contribute significantly to the promotion of intercultural dialogues that
are enriching and to the empowerment of the communities that carry the knowledge.
Tecnológico Superior Corporativo Edwards Deming – January - June Vol. 8 - 1 - 2024 https://revista-edwardsdeming.com/index.php/es
e-ISSN: 2576-0971
However, the rescue of ancestral knowledge is not only a representation of justice in its
cultural aspect, but an effective strategy to address the challenges of the contemporary
era also related to health, community resilience and environment; so, at this time in
which humanity faces a major crisis and advances bring more interconnected population;
It is important to review the past to try to find innovative solutions, where the role of
universities in the rescue of ancestral knowledge is necessary and imperative; therefore,
this article presents through this project the active, participatory and exemplary
collaboration of the UTELVT, offering valuable lessons and perspectives that can inspire
other academic institutions with similar initiatives, thereby trying to promote the
revaluation of ancestral knowledge as a vital resource to build a more harmonious and
equitable future.
For a better understanding of this article, it is necessary to analyze the components that
are considered in the FACPED's Partnership Project.
It covers a wide range of aspects related to improving educational practices in order to
achieve specific quality goals, considering efficiency and equity in education; therefore, it
is relevant since education plays a very important role in the development of societies,
because it seeks to fully comply with the formation of fair and competent inhabitants,
who are ready to promote social and economic growth (Avilés Franco and Delgado
Lino, 2023).
In this sense, an explanation of educational development is shown, highlighting the
aspects considered in this component and detailing its importance:
This aspect refers to the need to incorporate respect for practices, knowledge and
traditions that have been transmitted from generation to generation by different
communities and ethnic groups through education. In this sense, the context implies the
active inclusion of ancestral knowledge in the different national and local educational
systems, this is achieved through the incorporation of content established in the
curriculum, which is related to traditional knowledge and culture that should be
promoted and inculcated in educational institutions and universities, whose process
leads students not only to internalize this knowledge, but also to develop a true
appreciation and respect for the cultural richness of their population. Castiblanco
Venegas and Perassi (2020), express that this requires the promotion of:
Cultural diversity: since it is necessary for students to understand the ethnic and cultural
diversity of a population and the great wealth of knowledge they have accumulated over
centuries, which has its own perspective that can enrich education.
Integration in regular education: whose sole purpose is to incorporate ancestral
knowledge in the different educational institutions; that is, in the formal educational
system, from the sub-level of Early Education to the Higher Education level; all this,
through the inclusion of contents in the micro-curricular planning, which are related to
the history of the Afro-Smeraldean culture.
Promotion of identity: it is necessary to recognize and value ancestral knowledge,
promoting a sense of identity among the different members of the community, a
fundamental aspect for the preservation and revitalization of culture.
Tecnológico Superior Corporativo Edwards Deming – January - June Vol. 8 - 1 - 2024 https://revista-edwardsdeming.com/index.php/es
e-ISSN: 2576-0971
Justice: ancestral knowledge is linked to justice, as it seeks to correct the historical
discrimination that Afro-Smeraldean communities have been victims of; it seeks to
promote equal opportunities, educating future generations in the educational system.
This aspect Alcívar Macias et al. (2018) consider the importance of dialogue and
interaction between different ethnic groups and cultures in education, whose objective
is to seek the promotion of inclusion, equity and respect for diversity; taking into account
that an essential part of the educational development in this study is the adoption of an
intercultural pedagogy; This aspect implies the creation of learning spaces where
traditional ways of teaching and ancestral perspectives are valued and respected, whose
methods are adapted to foster intercultural dialogue and evidence cultural diversity
among students and community, which are bearers of ancestral knowledge; for this step
to be possible Durán Gamba (2020) highlights that the following is needed:
Recognition of diversity: since societies are diverse, composed of different ethnic groups,
cultures and groups, it is important to respect and value diversity and the best way to
do this is through education.
Equity and inclusion: strives to foster an inclusive environment where students,
regardless of their origin, feel that they are being treated with equal opportunities for
their development and learning.
Communication and dialogue: promotes effective communication between different
cultures, which implies fostering empathy, understanding, comprehension and respect
among the actors of the educational system.
Community participation: an active participation of all the protagonists of education is
needed, recognizing in this process the priority role in the development of learning and
appreciation of culture by the students.
Stereotypes: intercultural pedagogy considers the stereotypes that have been culturally
transmitted and with this background it tries to promote an education based on respect
for the diversity of criteria.
Student participation in the collection and documentation of knowledge
It is an approach in which students participate in the research and recording of traditional
knowledge transmitted by older adults or members of Afro-descendant communities; in
this sense, FACPED students play an active role in the collection and documentation of
ancestral knowledge; Vernaza Arroyo and Cruel Preciado (2022) mention that the
experience not only enriches education, but also contributes to the preservation of
traditional knowledge, becoming agents of change by collaborating closely with
educational institutions and communities carrying the knowledge for its registration; this
practice makes it possible:
Empowerment on the part of the students: their active participation in the collection
and documentation of ancestral knowledge empowers them as they contribute
significantly to cultural preservation for the strengthening of relations between the
academy and the community.
Heritage and cultural preservation: as an aid for the preservation and transmission of
culture as a heritage of the communities, thus avoiding the loss of very enriching and