Virtual teaching strategy for online learning of the subject Entrepreneurship and Management in the baccalaureate
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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a change in the educational environment, it went from being face-to-face to virtual, it is necessary to think about didactic strategies for subjects that need a different treatment in their development and explanation. The objective of this article is to propose a virtual teaching strategy for the strengthening of online learning of the subject Entrepreneurship and Management in the baccalaureate. The research conducted is of hermeneutic approach and descriptive-explanatory scope. The sample selected was 58 students of the third year of high school of the Unidad Educativa Fiscal Durán, a probabilistic intentional sampling by quotas was applied, which facilitated the interpretation of results on the lack of use of virtual learning environments and technological tools by students and teachers. In addition, educators presented difficulties in planning, development and evaluation for online classes. A virtual teaching strategy was designed that generates interaction and reflection in the teaching-learning process from the virtual environment, which has the following phases: virtual teaching-learning planning, virtual teaching-learning communication and activity, and online evaluation of assimilated learning.
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