Electric vehicle battery reconditioning analysis

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Juan Carlos Rubio Terán
Sebastián Nicolás López Nasimba
Natalia Milena Pérez Zambrano


The life cycle of an electric vehicle battery comes to an end when it no longer provides the necessary capacity to perform optimally in the vehicle; however, there is a new possibility of reusing it in another field of study. An analysis of the state of the battery is of utmost importance since this is the starting point to define the feasibility of the first stage of this study. In Ecuador there are some areas that do not have electricity service, that is why this research generates a contribution to society with an emerging system that has the ability to light an LED lamp through the energy of the battery that was assumed would no longer be useful in any field. For this study, the data of the battery and the consumption of LED lamp were taken through the experimental method, with measuring tools such as amperimetric clamp and automotive multimeter. It was observed that the data obtained from the average consumption of the lamp is 0.35A, the current state of charge of the battery after being used in the vehicle has 180V in total of all its cell block and when the lamp is connected its charge is reduced by 1.4 for every hour that the lamp is kept on. It was evidenced that based on the data obtained, the battery does have the capacity to light the LED lamp and meets the objective of this study to be able to reuse it in another area other than automotive.


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Rubio Terán, J. C. ., López Nasimba, S. N. ., & Pérez Zambrano, N. M. . (2024). Electric vehicle battery reconditioning analysis. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia Y Educación Edwards Deming, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.37957/rfd.v8i1.121