Evolution of the implementation of ISO 14001:2015 in Ecuador

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Nicole Alejandra Menéndez Tarira
Víctor Egbert Chero Alvarado


Environmental impact is affected due to human-generated activities, products and services. Companies are expected to comply with environmental standards and show their commitment to reducing the environmental impact of their daily activities. This can be a bit complicated, however, it is an opportunity for companies to demonstrate their environmental responsibility, stand out from their competition and demonstrate commitment to their current and potential customers.  The ISO 14001:2015 standard details the requirements that an organization can implement for an environmental management system and thus increase its environmental performance, this has allowed public and private companies worldwide to join the certification considering environmental management as a priority, according to data obtained in the year 2022 the largest number of certifications were obtained in the construction and automotive sectors. Although Ecuador is currently in seventh place in relation to other South American countries, it has shown a remarkable growth in the number of companies certified in ISO 14001:2015 over the last 16 years.


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Menéndez Tarira, N. A. ., & Chero Alvarado, V. E. . (2024). Evolution of the implementation of ISO 14001:2015 in Ecuador. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia Y Educación Edwards Deming, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.37957/rfd.v8i1.126

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