Literature review on ageing, motor skills and physical-recreational activities in older adults in the Sofia Ratino nursing home
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The study responds to a result of the research project: “Strategy of physical-recreational activities for the comprehensive development of motor skills in older adults” carried out by students and teachers of the Sports Training career. Its main objective was to identify and analyze existing studies to design a strategy of physical-recreational activities that favors the comprehensive development of motor skills in older adults at the Sofía Ratino nursing home, providing a solid theoretical basis for future interventions. A qualitative systemic investigation was carried out using a bibliographic review and data collection sheets, taking a series of scientific documents as a sample. The results indicate that an effective strategy must be multifaceted, addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of residents. The conclusions highlight the importance of having well-defined stages in physical activity sessions, including warm-up, technique practice and improvisation, to maximize the
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Guzmán Wong , J. A. ., González Restrepo, E. A. ., & Portalanza Guerrero, L. C. . (2024). Literature review on ageing, motor skills and physical-recreational activities in older adults in the Sofia Ratino nursing home. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia Y Educación Edwards Deming, 8(1).
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