Use of technology in the dissemination of diabetes promotion and prevention programmes

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Luis Enrique Naula Chucay
Deicy Dolores Quizhpi Palchizaca
Patricia Alexandra León Hurtado
John Sebastian Ochoa Nieto
Viviana Stefania Cabrera Pizarro


Diabetes mellitus, a common endocrine pathology in these times of the 21st century, where many people of different etiological groups present it due to different risk factors. This pathology changes the life of the person, even more, if they do not carry out an adequate management of diabetes mellitus, because in the long term it increases the risks of presenting other chronic pathologies that can complicate the state of health and the prognosis of the individual's life. For this literature review research project: "Use of technology in the dissemination of diabetes promotion and prevention programmes" with the general objective: To promote the use of technology in the dissemination of diabetes promotion and prevention programmes; a qualitative and analytical approach was used, using databases such as google scholar, elsevier, pubmed, Taylor & Francis, Scielo, etc. At the end of the research it was concluded that the application of technology in programmes for the promotion and prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus has had a positive impact on its use, allowing a greater possibility for the population to take part in the programmes and reduce their risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.


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How to Cite
Naula Chucay, L. E. ., Quizhpi Palchizaca, D. D. ., León Hurtado, P. A. ., Ochoa Nieto, J. S. ., & Cabrera Pizarro, V. S. . (2024). Use of technology in the dissemination of diabetes promotion and prevention programmes. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia Y Educación Edwards Deming, 8(2), 32-40.

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