Comparison of Properties (stress, resistance and deformation) between low and high carbon steel

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Ember Geovanny Zumba Novay
Carlos José Santillan Mariño
Daniela Estefanía Cuenca Pérez
Joan David Espinoza Gallo


The objective of this study is to perform a detailed comparison of the stress, strength and deformation properties between high and low carbon steels to determine their mechanical behavior in different applications. The research is qualitative, descriptive, focusing on the theoretical analysis of the mechanical properties of steel, which is based on the compilation of information from different authors. The differences in the microstructure and mechanical properties of the two steels were analyzed.  A comparison of the mechanical properties of low carbon steel and high carbon steel provides valuable information for application in various industrial processes, allowing the selection of the most suitable type of steel according to specific strength and deformation requirements. The research found that the carbon content significantly affects the microstructure of the steel and, consequently, the mechanical properties. Compared with high carbon steel, low carbon steel has lower strength and deformation. High carbon steel has greater strength, but is also more prone to warping under certain loads.


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How to Cite
Zumba Novay, E. G. ., Santillan Mariño, C. J. ., Cuenca Pérez, D. E. ., & Espinoza Gallo, J. D. . (2025). Comparison of Properties (stress, resistance and deformation) between low and high carbon steel. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia Y Educación Edwards Deming, 9(1), 1-17.

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