Technology research in Deming

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Countries with greater capacity to research and generate knowledge achieve greater economic and social development in this globalized world. The importance attached to scientific and technological knowledge as a marker of socio-economic development is growing, which requires a solid scientific infrastructure, economic and political support from the State. This article collects the results of the research of the use and management of technology and innovation at the Edwards Deming Higher Corporate Technological Institute in the period 2019 – 2020, in order to train professionals who contribute knowledge, ideas, inventions and innovations. It uses technological research that can be defined as useful for the support and resolution of problems, aimed at developing a better society, through active processes or technological conventions, comprises the description, recording, analysis and interpretation of the current nature and composition or processes of phenomena; the focus is on dominant conclusions or on how a person, group or thing works in the present; Ecuador requires serious and profound transformations; therefore, it is urgent to increase the efficiency in the use of imported technology and innovation and develop one's own.


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Technology research in Deming. (2021). Revista Tecnológica Ciencia Y Educación Edwards Deming, 5(1). Retrieved from