Didactic and technological limitations in university educativon in pandemic times
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The purpose of the study is related to the expectation of showing the characterization of the virtual university pedagogical experience, in a hurried circumstance of application of virtual classes. The object of study is the virtual pedagogical experience. The research problema arises from the way in which the challenge of virtual teaching has been approached, from the pedagogical an didactic perpective in the State Technical University of Quevedo,from the year 2020. The objective is to consider the challenge of the pedagogical application virtual teaching, teaching didactic use and technological Access, for quality teaching, at the university, during this period of pandemic. Two hundred students from the first semesters of different university careers are taken as a sample, applying a closed survey, according to the process of framing the subjects in charge of the researchers. It is an argumentative documentary investigation, the results of which will serve as a significant contribution to a research project related to the challenges and limitations in virtual teaching. The aspired results seek to propose a new institutional pedagogical and methodological perspective; structuring tutorial mechanisms of pedagogical support for teachers of diferente professions; updating pedagogical knowledge, with a contribution to teaching and the use of virtual technology; the structuring of a institutional psychopedagogical instruction manual; and, the socialization of the projects results.
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