Animated story about the urban legend "La Yumba" to promote ancestral customs among Quito's teenagers

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Marjorie Fernández Padilla
Ines Bajaña Mendieta
Celinda Can-Sing Cholota
Marjorie Torres Bolaños
Eduardo Samaniego Mena


Urban legends are extraordinary stories that circulate in modern societies and are anchored in oral tradition and folklore, fulfilling specific social and symbolic functions such as the transmission of a collective belief and the teaching of a moral message. This research has developed an animated story about the Urban Legend LA YUMBA to promote the ancestral customs of the adolescents of Quito. The proposal arose as a contribution to promote local traditions and rescue fantastic popular stories that lie in oblivion and that have been part of the cultural identity of the Huanajucho neighborhood. For the creation of the legend, sketches of the characters and landscapes inspired by the real context of the neighborhood were made; With the help of illustration programs, the scenes of the animated story adaptable to different devices are recreated. (Computers, tablets, smartphones, smart TVs, etc.). The animated story was disseminated using the YouTube and Facebook digital platforms, adapting perfectly to the digital media most used by the inhabitants of the sector. To measure the acceptance of audiovisual work, it was evaluated by means of a survey, which was very well received, awakening the interest of the people of the Huanajucho neighborhood of the city of Quito. We conclude that audiovisual production has a huge impact on the adolescent public of the Huanajucho neighborhood, because through this work it is possible to capture the interest of the audience in this type of cultural projects that open a dynamic space for innovative professionals.


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How to Cite
Fernández Padilla, M., Bajaña Mendieta, I., Can-Sing Cholota, C., Torres Bolaños, M., & Samaniego Mena, E. (2021). Animated story about the urban legend "La Yumba" to promote ancestral customs among Quito’s teenagers. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia Y Educación Edwards Deming, 5(1). Retrieved from

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