Analysis and prevention techniques for ransomware attacks

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Dustyn Zamora Baidal
Anthony Triviño
Amilkar Yudier Puris Cáceres
Byron Oviedo Bayas


This research project is focused on the analysis of ransomware attacks and ways to counteract it. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts data making it inaccessible and to decrypt it the cyberattackers pay a ransom, usually economic. The project consists of 4 parts and it is proposed first to carry out a compilation of studies related to ransomware attacks using meta-analysis. Subsequently, the most common ransomwares and the characteristics of the attacks by location, type of companies, economy and software are known. In this part, the impact of ransomware at a global level is statistically detailed. In the third part, a WannaCry ransomware attack, considered the most common, is simulated in a virtual machine, and the infection and data encryption process is also detailed.


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Zamora Baidal, D., Triviño, A., Puris Cáceres, A. Y., & Oviedo Bayas, B. (2021). Analysis and prevention techniques for ransomware attacks. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia Y Educación Edwards Deming, 5(1). Retrieved from