Importance of motivation in business work environments

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Mariela S. Andrade
Manuel L. Chong
Elsye T. Cobo


Motivation is a central theme in human psychology. Determining the various reasons why employees are willing to strive to perform tasks efficiently is of utmost importance for an organizational or occupational psychologist. All companies look for alternatives to motivate their staff because this aspect is essential for an organization to survive in today's business world. The competitiveness of companies depends, to a large extent, on the effort and collaboration of employees. Through this study, it is intended to analyze different theories related to the subject of work motivation, key concepts of work motivation, as well as a brief explanation of some of the theories that try to explain it within the work environment. It is also intended to suggest some strategies that could be implemented in companies, in order to increase it, and thus, improve the performance of workers to achieve business objectives. Among the methods used are: bibliographic review, deduction analysis.


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How to Cite
Andrade, M. S., Chong, M. L., & Cobo, E. T. (2021). Importance of motivation in business work environments. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia Y Educación Edwards Deming, 5(2). Retrieved from