Strategies for the strengthening of informal enterprises
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The present investigation was directed to the informal enterprises directed by women in the Quevedo canton, Los Ríos Province. The purpose was to establish the determinants that influence a woman to participate in the labor market and focus on informal commerce and to establish strategies to improve her businesses. Descriptive statistics were applied. The universe was made up of the total number of women who are dedicated to informal commerce in the Quevedo canton; a random probability sample was applied to 136 informal businesses; Continuous and discrete random variables were analyzed. It was determined that the average age of women engaged in informal trade is 41 years with a minimum of 15 years and a maximum of 80 years;
44.60% of women are dedicated to the sale of clothing, being the most representative activity and in less order are food and footwear enterprises in 16.11% and 11.37% in their order. Likewise, it was known that 90% of the entrepreneurs do not carry out strategic plans to position themselves in the market. It is concluded that it is important to implement competitive strategies in informal enterprises since it creates the performance potential they need to obtain benefits in the future.
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