Irrigation System Smart Control throughout voice assistance

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Erika Katherine Gómez Llenera
Davis Jefferson Sevilla Sanango
Marcos Giovanny Orellana Parra
Ana Gabriela Hinojosa Caballero


The objective of the work was to design a sprinkler irrigation system, using a voice assistant to change the ON / OFF state. Under the characteristics of a feasible project, the research was oriented to solve a problem posed and to satisfy the needs of a specific community regarding the maintenance of its green areas. It is concluded that the designed system is feasible to implement, under certain conditions of connectivity with the internet, which is recommended to have a manual control, in case of deficiencies in the connection.


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Gómez Llenera E. K., Sevilla Sanango, D. J. ., Orellana Parra, M. G. ., & Hinojosa Caballero, A. G. (2022). Irrigation System Smart Control throughout voice assistance. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia Y Educación Edwards Deming, 6(1).

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