Analysis of the incidence of sound emitted by electric vehicles on visually impaired people

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Guillermo Gorky Reyes Campaña
Fernanda Paulina Vizcaino Imacaña
Michael Stiven Márquez Zapata
Lisbeth Gianella Agila Agila


Electric vehicles are entering the Ecuadorian market as an economical and non-polluting alternative, however, they have a problem that causes concern especially in people with visual disabilities, because this type of vehicle lacks sound. Consequently, this study looks for alternatives to eradicate the problems of electric vehicles in Ecuador. The analysis carried out was based on the exploratory methodology, which consists of studying an undefined problem and developing to understand it. It is also based on national regulations such as INEN 2665 and international regulations such as Regulation (EU) No. 540/2014 and Addendum 137: United Nations Regulation No. 138. The results are supported by field tests where the decibel level emitted by electric vehicles in Ecuador and the USA, in addition to laboratory tests that indicate the perception of people with visual disabilities. Finally, the electric vehicles that circulate in Ecuador generate up to a 30% difference in decibel to the vehicle with factory sound, therefore, 100% of the people surveyed do not detect the electric vehicle without artificial sound in traffic, although 20% of this group perceives the electric vehicle with artificial sound from the manufacturer.


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How to Cite
Reyes Campaña G. G. ., Vizcaino Imacaña F. P. ., Márquez Zapata M. S. ., & Agila Agila, L. G. . (2022). Analysis of the incidence of sound emitted by electric vehicles on visually impaired people. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia Y Educación Edwards Deming, 6(1).

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