Mobile applications in microenterprise models: Metrics and strengths in Ecuadorian commerce
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The rise of mobile applications in the commercial field generated a positive impact on the business economy, however, many entrepreneurs did not couple their activities to innovative business models. This research aims to describe the metrics and strengths of the use of mobile applications in micro-enterprise models of the Ecuadorian commercial sector. Using a mixed methodological approach, a questionnaire with a statistical validation coefficient of 0.86 was applied in the first instance, managing to perform statistical data analysis on 5,763 micro-enterprises in the province of Esmeraldas, which determined a considerable level of use of digital applications. in the commercial context. Likewise, 25 interviews were conducted with entrepreneurs who promote their products and / or services using mobile applications. The findings of the study determined that more than 58% of microenterprises promote their products and / or services on social networks such as Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram, relying on delivery systems such as Portear, Rappi, Cabify and Uber eats, which allowed the opening of new business ideas according to the established metric reports, it is considered as commercial strength.
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