State of the art on the application of industry 4.0 in planning and control operations systems
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The objective of this work is the proposal of a conceptual framework that allows characterizing the application of Industry 4.0 in the Planning and Control Operations Systems (PCOS), based on the literature review and the conceptual frameworks of the analyzed articles with a critical analysis of them. This study presents the technologies and functionalities of the Industry 4.0 in the PCOS activities, the strategic aspects of operations management, the sector and field of application, in addition, the future lines of research according to the gaps found in the literature review. As conclusions it is highlighted that in traditional manufacturing systems operations planning is performed for a predefined production system and process design, however, in a context of Industry 4.0 operations planning becomes dynamic, that i to say , it must adapt to unexpected events that vary over time, allowing to predict production problems for decision making in real time.
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