Development of trinomia with the modified pascal triangle

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José Luis Hidalgo Torres


With this article, what is mainly intended is to give a solution proposal to developments of trinomials elevated to positive integer powers, for which we begin by giving an interpretation to vague indications of the information recovered in computer media and that through the mechanisms of induction and deduction in an algebraic process, the constitutive elements of a structure are built, which I have called the Modified Pascal's Triangle, a technique similar in use to how the classic Pascal's Triangle is used. And I mention some interesting properties of Pascal's Triangle, to recover from oblivion, properties that are used in some fields of mathematics. This proposal in addition to solving trinomials raised to positive integer powers, which in itself is important to smooth some cases in the calculation; it will be the basis for the generation of new algebraic series that will serve as mathematical models.


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Hidalgo Torres, J. L. . (2022). Development of trinomia with the modified pascal triangle. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia Y Educación Edwards Deming, 6(1).