Inverted learning model for the online high school mathematics class.

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María Alejandra Saucedo James
Mayra Jacinta Moncayo Carpio
Roberto Milanés Gómez
Carlos Andres Acosta Vergara


In these times of covid-19, the Ecuadorian educational system has been faced with the challenge of sustaining the teaching-learning processes in the online modality. This has demanded initiative and creativity on the part of teachers and students in order to meet the expected results. The present work proposes the inverted learning model designed for the development of online Mathematics classes, which includes students and teachers of the first year of high school of the Vinces Educational Unit, Vinces canton, province of Los Ríos. In order to obtain the results, an observation guide was applied to the virtual classes, a questionnaire to 177 students and an interview to teachers as data collection instruments. These made it possible to show the current reality of the teaching method, as well as the limitations faced by educators and students in making possible the online adaptation of the planning of the development of the contents of the subject of Mathematics.


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How to Cite
Saucedo James, M. A. ., Moncayo Carpio, M. J. ., Milanés Gómez, R. ., & Acosta Vergara, C. A. (2022). Inverted learning model for the online high school mathematics class. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia Y Educación Edwards Deming, 6(2). Retrieved from