Published: 2022-01-12

Analysis of the incidence of sound emitted by electric vehicles on visually impaired people

Guillermo Gorky Reyes Campaña, Fernanda Paulina Vizcaino Imacaña, Michael Stiven Márquez Zapata, Lisbeth Gianella Agila Agila

Irrigation System Smart Control throughout voice assistance

Erika Katherine Gómez Llenera, Davis Jefferson Sevilla Sanango, Marcos Giovanny Orellana Parra, Ana Gabriela Hinojosa Caballero

Mobile applications in microenterprise models: Metrics and strengths in Ecuadorian commerce

Pedro Cesar Godoy Rosero, Marisol Del Rocio Alava Cedeño, Wendy Jesenia Añapa Tapuyo, Harold Stalin Quiñonez Francis

Comparative analysis of stone aggregates for the manufacture of concrete in the construction of civil works

Wellington Leodan Velásquez Álava, Eduardo Humberto Ortiz Hernández, Ramona Panchana de Calderero