Published: 2023-07-05

E-activities for the identification and use of immediate integration formulas

Segundo Bienvenido Camatón Arízabal, Marco Vinicio Añazco Maldonado, Janine Noemí Cueva Palacios, Yefferson Ricardo Litardo Mieles

Cleft lip and palate. Review of the literature

Jessica Paola Duchi Valdez, Viviana Daniela Abad Freire, Mariela del Carmen Ramírez Velásquez

Inverted learning model for the online high school mathematics class

María Alejandra Saucedo James, Mayra Jacinta Moncayo Carpio, Carlos Andres Acosta Vergara

Analysis of the plastic point of brake fluid in L3 category vehicles at preset times

Guillermo Gorky Reyes Campaña, Sebastian Alejandro Amores Basantes , Edmundo Andrés Ocaña García , Denny Javier Guanuche Larco

Virtual teaching strategy for online learning of the subject Entrepreneurship and Management in the baccalaureate

Carlos Andres Acosta Vergara, María Josefina Hurtado Mora, María Alejandra Saucedo James, Roberto Milanés Gómez


Virtual reconstruction in traffic: a review of techniques

María Fernanda Padilla Ortiz, Christian Esteban Rengifo Dávila

The importance of tourism marketing for strengthening the strategic capabilities of the Salitre canton in the province of Guayas

Karla Maribel Ortiz Chimbo, Roberto Andrés García Viteri, Rubén Ernesto Sánchez Macías, Carlos Feliciano Vivas Lucas