The powers of the five functions of the state in Ecuador

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Marlon Astudillo
Feliberto Fernando Guerra Cuenca
Xiomara Vaca Quiñonez
Oscar Alberto Gallardo Toapanta


The design of the functions of the State, within the framework of the liberal regime characterized by political representation, has been deeply criticized from a legal and political perspective. However, since the current Ecuadorian Constitution, there have been significant changes in the institutional design, which have generated a profound theoretical and normative discussion on the validity of constitutional paradigms as old as the tripartition of powers or the form of democracy. However, this apparent dichotomy between types of democracy, in our case representative and participatory, has not allowed us to examine the progress and setbacks in the implementation of democratic institutions in Ecuador. It is therefore necessary to analyze within the constitutional changes, the new Function of Transparency and Social Control, especially the Council of Citizen Participation and Social Control. Especially the power to appoint the highest authorities of the State. At the end of this study, we will be able to establish whether the new form of designation of the highest authorities, together with the new institutional scheme of the Ecuadorian State, become a contribution to the consolidation of the democratic process in our country. At the end of this study, we will be able to establish if the new form of designation of the highest authorities, together with the new institutional scheme of the Ecuadorian State, becomes a contribution to the consolidation of the democratic process in our country.


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How to Cite
Astudillo, M., Guerra Cuenca, F. F., Vaca Quiñonez, X., & Gallardo Toapanta, O. A. (2023). The powers of the five functions of the state in Ecuador. Revista Tecnológica Ciencia Y Educación Edwards Deming, 7(1).

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